Top-100 artists:

Painter's Garden by Lucian Freud

Lucian Freud

Painter's Garden, 2003

Oil on canvas
61.3 x 46 cm (24.13 x 18.13 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (16 May 2019)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 16, 2019
Christie'sNew YorkPost-War and Contemporary Art Evening Sale17B
$****** - ******
Painter's Garden
Artwork Description



61.3 x 46 cm (24.13 x 18.13 in)


oil on canvas


Acquavella Contemporary Art, Inc., New York

Acquired from the above by the present owner, 2008


London, Wallace Collection; New York, Acquavella Contemporary Art, Inc., Lucian Freud: Recent Paintings & Etchings, March-May 2004, n.p., no. 4 (illustrated in color).

New York, Museum of Modern Art, Lucian Freud: The Painter's Etchings, December 2007-March 2008, pp. 128 and 138, pl. 98 (illustrated in color).


S. Smee, Lucian Freud 1996-2005, New York, 2005, n.p., no. 78 (illustrated in color).

M. Gayford, Lucian Freud, vol. 2, London, 2018, pp. 257 and 298 (illustrated in color).


oil on canvas

24 1/8 x 18 1/8 in. (61.3 x 46 cm.)

Painted in 2003.