J.A. Symonds, The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, London, 1893, I, p. 361, illustrated.
B. Berenson, The Drawings of the Florentine Painters, London, 1903, II, no. 1543, III, fig. 657.
K. Frey, Die Handzeichnungen Michelangelos Buonarroti, Berlin, 1909-11, II, pls. 36-7, III, pp. 23-4.
H. Thode, Michelangelo, Kritische Untersuchungen über seine Werke, Berlin, 1913, III, no. 372.
Original Drawings by Old Masters of the Italian School, forming part of the Collection of J.P.H.(eseltine), printed privately, London, 1913, nos. 7-8.
The Oppenheimer Collection, The Vasari Society for the Reproduction of Drawings by the Old Masters, Second Series, Part II, Oxford, 1921, no. 6.
A.E. Popp. 'Garzoni Michelangelos', Belvedere, 1925, pp.23ff.
K. Tolnai, 'Die Handzeichnungen Michelangelos im Codex Vaticanus', Repertorium, XLVIII, 1927, p. 192.
A.E. Popham, Italian Drawings, London, 1931, no. 217, pl. 182.
C. de Tolnay, Michelangelo, Princeton, 1948, III, p. 177, figs. 126-7.
L. Goldscheider, Michelangelo Drawings, London, 1951, p. 34, no. 36.
J. Wilde, Italian Drawings in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Michelangelo and his Studio, London, 1953, p. 94.
L. Düssler, Die Handzeichnungen des Michelangelo, Berlin, 1959, no. 182, fig. 183.
C. de Tolnay, Michelangelo; The Medici Chapel, Princeton, 1970, III, pp. 212-213.
F. Hartt, The Drawings of Michelangelo, London, 1971, nos. 296-7.
C. de Tolnay, Corpus dei Disegni di Michelangelo, Novara, 1975, I, no. 94.
C. de Tolnay, Michelangelo, Sculptor, Painter, Architect, Princeton, 1975, p. 36.
G. Jackson-Stops, 'The Apollo Portrait: Sir Brinsley Ford' in Apollo, 1987, CXXV, p. 368.
M. Hirst, Michelangelo and His Drawings, New Haven and London, 1988, pp. 26, 63, 68, fig. 131.
G. Soergel Panofsky, 'Die Ikonographie von Michelangelo's "Christus" in Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rom' in Münchner Jahrbuch der Bildenden Kunst, 3rd series, 1988, XXXIX, pp. 89-112.
A. Perrig, Michelangelo's Drawings, the Science of Attribution, New Haven and London, 1991, p, 120, no. 55, as 'by the young Cellini'.
J. Poeschke, Michelangelo and his World, New York, 1996, p. 100, fig. 27.
J. Ingamells ed., 'The Ford Collection I' in The Walpole Society, 1998, LX, p. 25 (by Sir B. Ford), pl. 5.
J. Ingamells ed., 'The Ford Collection II' in The Walpole Society, 1998, LX, pp. 96-97 (by Sir B. Ford), p. 162 (by F. Russell), and pp. 168-9 (by H. Chapman), pl. 51.