Top-100 artists:

Men in Her Life by Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Men in Her Life, 1962

Silkscreen and pencil on primed canvas
214.6 x 211.5 cm (84.49 x 83.27 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Phillips, New York (08 Nov 2010)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 8, 2010
PhillipsNew YorkCarte Blanche15
$****** - ******
Men in Her Life
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Artwork Description



214.6 x 211.5 cm (84.49 x 83.27 in)


silkscreen and pencil on primed canvas


Frederick W. Hughes, New York

Thomas Ammann Fine Art, Zurich

Private Collection, Japan

Thomas Ammann Fine Art, Zurich


Shinjuku, Tokyo, Isetan Museum of Art, Pop Muses. Images of Women by Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, August 29 - September 24, 1991; traveled to Chiba, Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art, October 2 - December 1, 1991; Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, December 14, 1991 - January 12, 1992; Umeda, Osaka, Daimaru Museum, February 5 - February 16, 1992; and Kyoto, Daimaru Museum, March 12 - March 17, 1992, no. 32 (illustrated)Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Warhol, October 12 - December 12, 1999;Kochi, The Museum of Art, Andy Warhol, February 6 - March 26, 2000; Tokyo, The Bunkamura Museum of Art, April 1 - May 21, 2000; Umeda, Osaka, Daimaru Museum, May 24 - June 11, 2000; Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, June 17 - July 30, 2000; Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art, August 5 - October 1, 2000; Nagoya City Art Museum, October 7 - December 17, 2000; and Niigata City Art Museum, January 4 - February 12, 2001.Las Vegas, Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art, Andy Warhol Celebrities, February 7 - September 7, 2003


G. Celant, Andy Warhol: A Factory, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 1998, no. 127 (illustrated); G. Frei and N. Printz, eds., The Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonné. Vol. I, Paintings and Sculpture 1961 - 1963, New York 2002, no. 302, pp. 269 and 274 (illustrated); G. Celant, SuperWarhol, exhibition catalogue, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco 2003, p. 79, no. 48 (illustrated)