Top-100 artists:

Kelly Jenness House by Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper

Kelly Jenness House, 1932

Watercolor on paper
50.8 x 71.1 cm (20 x 27.99 in)
Works on Paper
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (23 May 2013)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 23, 2013
Christie'sNew YorkAmerican Art19
$****** - ******
Kelly Jenness House
Artwork Description

Works on Paper


50.8 x 71.1 cm (20 x 27.99 in)


watercolor on paper


signed 'Edward Hopper', l.r.


The artist. [With]Frank K.M. Rehn Galleries, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Huntington, Hartford, Connecticut, acquired from the above, 1932.

Private collection, by descent, 1965. [With]Menconi & Schoelkopf Fine Art, LLC, New York.

Acquired by the present owner from the above, 2003.


Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, Fogg Art Museum, Water Colors: Sheeler, Hopper, Burchfield, December 5-31, 1934, no. 19. Hartford, Connecticut, Wadsworth Atheneum, American Painting and Sculpture of the 18th, 19th & 20th Centuries, January 29-February 19, 1935, no. 66. Hartford, Connecticut, Wadsworth Atheneum, Paintings in Hartford Collections, January 21-February 23, 1936, no. 79. Boston, Massachusetts, Museum of Fine Arts, Edward Hopper, May 6-August 19, 2007, no. 78. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, Edward Hopper, September 16, 2007-January 21, 2008, no. 78. Chicago, Illinois, Art Institute of Chicago, Edward Hopper, February 16-May 10, 2008, no. 78.


Artist's Ledger: Book II, 1907-62, p. 36. Wadsworth Atheneum, American Painting and Sculpture of the 18th, 19th, & 20th Centuries, exhibition catalogue, Hartford, Connecticut, 1935, p. 25, no. 66. Wadsworth Atheneum, Paintings in Hartford Collections, exhibition checklist, Hartford, Connecticut, 1936, no. 79. G. Levin, Hopper's Places, New York, 1985, p. 71. G. Levin, Edward Hopper: A Catalogue Raisonné, vol. II, New York, 1995, p. 253, no. W-284, illustrated. G. Levin, Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography, New York, 1995, p. 244. G. Levin, The Complete Watercolors of Edward Hopper, New York, 2001, p. 253, no. W-284, illustrated. G. Levin, Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography, Updated and Expanded Version, New York, 2007, p. 244. C. Troyen, et al., Edward Hopper, exhibition catalogue, Boston, Massachusetts, 2007, pp. 150, 152, 154, no. 78, illustrated. D. Ottinger, T. Llorens, Hopper, exhibition catalogue, New York, 2012, p. 331.