The heirs are seeking €165 million for the painting, perhaps the greatest work by Rembrandt still in private hands. Sixyears ago, another branch of the Rothschild family sold their pair of Rembrandt portraits for €160 million in an unusual deal that involved the Louvre and Holland’s Rijksmuseum splitting the cost and custody of the works.
French law allows the state 30 months from the denial of an export license to decide whether it will acquire the work for its national museums. In this particular case, the French may have done the Rothschild’s a favor. As the global pandemic approaches its two-year anniversary, monetary and fiscal policy around the world has favored the very rich. According to one estimate, global billionaires—the sort of person likely to spend €165 million on a Rembrandt—saw their wealth increase by 62% during the pandemic.
With the path cleared for the Rembrandt painting to be sold, the only question remains is whether the heirs will try to broker a private sale or bring the work to auction. With the strong state of the auction market this Autumn, there must be the temptation to sell the work publicly.