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Projet pour un monument pour Gabriel Péri. Projet pour une place by Alberto Giacometti

Alberto Giacometti

Projet pour un monument pour Gabriel Péri. Projet pour une place, 1946

39.2 x 10.9 x 18.6 cm (15.43 x 4.29 x 7.32 in)
Edition of 8
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Lempertz, Cologne (02 Dec 2022)

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Dec 2, 2022Projet pour un monument pour Gabriel Péri. Projet pour une place1
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Artwork Description



39.2 x 10.9 x 18.6 cm (15.43 x 4.29 x 7.32 in)




Each signed 'A. Giacometti' on the left side of the base as well as numbered and with foundry mark "C.VALSUANI CIRE PERDUE" on the back side


From the circle of the artist's friends; Private collection


Heilbronn/Künzelsau 1996 (Städtische Museen/Museum Würth), Plätze und Platzzeichen: der Platz - ein Thema der Kleinplastik seit Giacometti, cat. no. 51 and 52; Frankfurt am Main 1998/1999 (Schirn Kunsthalle), Alberto Giacometti. Werke und Schriften, cat. no. 18 and 20, with ill. p. 43 and 45; Milan/Mannheim 2000 (Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta/Städtische Kunsthalle), I Giacometti. La valle, il mondo/Die Familie Giacometti. Das Tal, die Welt, with ill. p. 100


Casimiro Di Crescenzo, Giacometti - Künstler und Revolutionär, in: Exh. cat. Alberto Giacometti, Kunsthalle Wien/Edinburgh 1996, Stuttgart 1996, p. 48-50, cf. cat. no. 117-119; Casimiro Di Crescenzo, Giacometti, Artist and Revolutionary, in: Exh. cat. Alberto Giacometti, Ravenna, Loggetta Lombardesca, 10 Oct. 2004 - 20 Feb. 2005, Milan 2004, p. 55 ff.


Alberto Giacometti

Projet pour un monument pour Gabriel Péri. Projet pour une place


Two bronze sculptures. 39.2 x 10.9 x 18.6 cm and 18.5 x 9.2 x 12.7 cm. Each signed 'A. Giacometti' on the left side of the base as well as numbered and with foundry mark "C.VALSUANI CIRE PERDUE" on the back side. Each numbered 1/8. Cast 1993/1994 in an edition of 8. - Fine greenish-brown patina. - In very good condition.