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Four Pinball Machines (Study) by Wayne Thiebaud

Wayne Thiebaud

Four Pinball Machines (Study), 1962

Oil on canvas
28.3 x 30.8 cm (11.14 x 12.13 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (16 May 2019)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 16, 2019
Sotheby'sNew YorkContemporary Art Evening Auction2
$****** - ******
Four Pinball Machines (Study)
May 9, 2011
Sotheby'sNew YorkThe Collection of Allan Stone Vol. I, The Collection of Allan Stone Vol. II The Art of Wayne Thiebaud26
$****** - ******
Four Pinball Machines (Study)
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Artwork Description



28.3 x 30.8 cm (11.14 x 12.13 in)


oil on canvas


signed and dated 1962; signed on the stretcher


Allan Stone, New York (acquired directly from the artist); Sotheby's New York, The Collection of Allan Stone: The Art of Wayne Thiebaud, May 9, 2011, Lot 26 (consigned by the above); Acquired by the present owner from the above


Phoenix, Phoenix Art Museum; Oakland, Oakland Museum; Los Angeles, University of Southern California Art Galleries; and Des Moines, Des Moines Art Center, Wayne Thiebaud: Survey 1947 - 1976, September 1976 - May 1977, p. 92, no. 25 (text)

San Francisco, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco; Fort Worth, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth; Washington, D.C., The Phillips Collection; and New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, Wayne Thiebaud: A Paintings Retrospective, June 2000 - September 2001, p. 86, no. 16, illustrated in color


signed and dated 1962; signed on the stretcher 

oil on canvas 

11 1/8 by 12 1/8 in. 28.3 by 30.8 cm.