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UNTITLED by Sam Francis

Sam Francis


Acrylic on paper
82.3 x 53.2 cm (32.4 x 20.94 in)
Works on Paper
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Est-Ouest Auctions, Tokyo (23 Sep 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Sep 23, 2022
Est-Ouest AuctionsTokyoContemporary & Modern Art128
$****** - ******
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Artwork Description

Works on Paper


82.3 x 53.2 cm (32.4 x 20.94 in)


acrylic on paper


signed and stamped on the reverse


Christie's New York, Post-War & Contemporary Art Morning Session, 16 November 2017, lot. 661 Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo


The composition of the screen of this work, which leaves a lot of blank space, the dripped paint, and the ink painting techniques such as “drippling” and “blurring” are clearly influenced by oriental art. We can also see the influence of the previous generation of Abstract Expressionist Jackson Pollock's "polling" technique, in which dripping paint was sprinkled onto the canvas in Francis' work. Born in California, USA in 1923, Sam Francis is a color painter who follows the flow of abstract expressionism. He began painting during World War II, while in the hospital following an accident during flight training. He then went to Paris, where he was recognized for his 'monochrome paintings', all-white 'white paintings'. His visit to Japan during his world tour in 1957 marked the influence of Japanese art in his subsequent work. He is a color painter who is descended from French Art Informel and American Abstract Expressionism, and from this, he expressed his unique world view and philosophy to the world.Using primary colors of blue, red, and yellow on white paper, points, lines, and surfaces of shapes like windows or curtains emerge, the work “UNTITLED” was made in 1976. Rather, the depth of the window and the various overlapping primary colors express the expanse of outer space beyond the frame, as if the blank space is the leading role. By leaving blank spaces, the unmixed primary colors spread white and underline the presence of white, creating a space that is flat but with depth.