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Saint Eustace by Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht Dürer

Saint Eustace, 1501

35.6 x 26.2 cm (14.02 x 10.31 in)
Prints & Multiples
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (05 Jul 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jul 5, 2022
Christie'sLondonOld Master and British Works on Paper: Drawings, Watercolours and Prints 1500-1900156
$****** - ******
Saint Eustace
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Artwork Description

Prints & Multiples


35.6 x 26.2 cm (14.02 x 10.31 in)




watermark High Crown (Meder 20)


Probably Theodore Irwin (1827-1902), Oswego, New York (see Lugt 1540; without his mark).

Constance Root Irwin (1896-1976), Chicago and Kansas City; presumably by descent from the above (her great-uncle); then by descent in the family to the present owners.


Bartsch 57; Meder, Hollstein 60; Schoch Mende Scherbaum 32


ALBRECHT DÜRER (1471-1528)

Saint Eustace

engraving, 1501, on laid paper, watermark High Crown (Meder 20), a fine and warm Meder b impression, printing with rich contrasts and remarkable depth, trimmed to or just outside the subject, fractionally into the subject in places, a horizontal fold across the lower third of the subject, split and very skilfully repaired, with associated minor staining

Sheet 356 x 262 mm.