Top-100 artists:

The Grey Dress by Alex Katz

Alex Katz

The Grey Dress, 1982

Oil on canvas, triptych
198.1 x 152.7 cm (78 x 60.13 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Phillips, New York (15 Nov 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 15, 2022
PhillipsNew York20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale20
$****** - ******
The Grey Dress
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Artwork Description



198.1 x 152.7 cm (78 x 60.13 in)


oil on canvas, triptych


Marlborough Gallery Inc., New York

Benjamin Mangel Gallery, Philadelphia (acquired from the above in January 1984)

Private Collection, Philadelphia

Edward Tyler Nahem Fine Art, New York

Acquired from the above by the present owner in 2006


New York, Marlborough Gallery Inc., Alex Katz: Recent Paintings , March 5-April 2, 1983, no. 10, p. 3 (illustrated, pp. 24-25; detail illustrated on the front cover)

Philadelphia, Benjamin Mangel Gallery, Alex Katz , April 6-April 30, 1984


Milton Esterow, ed., ARTnews , March 1983, vol. 82, no. 3, p. 16 (illustrated)

Alexandra Anderson, "Editor's Choice: Selected Gallery Previews," Portfolio , March/April 1983, vol. V, no. 2, p. 24 (illustrated)

Victoria Donohoe, "Art: A Look at the Highly Styled Realism of Alex Katz," The Philadelphia Inquirer , April 7, 1984, p. 4-D

Ann Beattie, Alex Katz , New York, 1987, pl. 15, pp. 7, 51 (illustrated, pp. 60-62; collection credit erroneously listed)

Patricia Pate Havlice, World Painting Index: Second Supplement, 1980-1989 , vol. I, Metuchen, 1995, p. 538

Daniel Morris, Remarkable Modernisms: Contemporary American Authors on Modern Art , Amherst, 2002, pp. 99, 111

Shinichi Fukui, Modern Japanese Painting Techniques , trans. Wendy Uchimura, Tokyo, 2022, p. 93


oil on canvas, triptych

each 78 x 60 1/8 in. (198.1 x 152.4 cm)

overall 78 x 180 3/8 in. (198.1 x 458.2 cm)

Painted in 1982.