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Saint-Anthon by Jean-Paul Riopelle

Jean-Paul Riopelle

Saint-Anthon, 1954

Oil on canvas
248.1 x 388 cm (97.67 x 152.75 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, Hong Kong (28 May 2023)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 28, 2023
Christie'sHong Kong20th/21st Century Art Evening Sale72
$****** - ******
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Artwork Description



248.1 x 388 cm (97.67 x 152.75 in)


oil on canvas


Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York

Private collection, New York

Private collection, Canada (acquired from the above by the present owner)


New York, Pierre Matisse Gallery, 1955.

Quebec, Museum of Quebec, Riopelle 67, 1967.

New York, Pierre Matisse Gallery, Jean Paul Riopelle: Large Formats 1952-1975, 1977.

Paris, Centre Pompidou, Jean Paul Riopelle, Painting 1946-1977, September - November 1981. This exhibition later travelled to Quebec, Museum of Quebec, December 1981 - January 1982; Mexico City, National Institute of Fine Arts, March - April 1982; Caracas, The Museum of Fine Arts, May - June 1982; Montreal, Museum of Contemporary Art, July - August 1982.

Quebec, National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec, Mitchell/Riopelle: Nothing in Moderation, 12 October 2017 - 7 January 2018.


Riopelle 67, exh. cat., Museum of Quebec, Quebec, 1967 (illustrated, p. 19).

Pierre S., Riopelle: Signes Mêlés, Maeght Editeur, Montréal, 1972 (illustrated, no. 65, p. 70).

Jean Paul Riopelle: Large Formats 1952-1975, exh. cat., Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, 1977 (illustrated, no. 8).

Jean Paul Riopelle, Painting 1946-1977, exh. cat., Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1981 (illustrated, no. 32, p.52).

Jean Paul Riopelle, Painting 1946-1977, exh. cat., The Museum of Fine Arts, Caracas, 1982 (illustrated, no. 24).

L. Gauvin, ‘Interview with Riopelle: Are artists revolutionaries?', Vie des Arts, no. 161, 1995 (illustrated, p. 18)

‘Jean Paul Riopelle in Search of Lost Time, Tribute to Riopelle', Parcours, L'informateur des arts, vol. 3, no. 1, 1997 (illustrated, p. C7).

Y. Riopelle (ed.), Jean-Paul Riopelle Catalog raisonné Volume 2, 1954-1959, Hibou Éditeurs, Montréal, 2004 (illustrated, p. 93b, 168).

Mitchell/Riopelle: Nothing in Moderation,, National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec, Québec, 2017 (illustrated. no 5, p. 45)




oil on canvas

248 × 388 cm. (97 2/3 x 152 3/4 in.)

Painted in 1954