Top-100 artists:

Le Port au soleil couchant, Opus 236 (Saint-Tropez) by Paul Signac

Paul Signac

Le Port au soleil couchant, Opus 236 (Saint-Tropez), 1892

Oil on canvas
65.1 x 81.3 cm (25.63 x 32 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (28 Feb 2019)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 28, 2019
Christie'sLondonImpressionist and Modern Art Evening Sale26
$****** - ******
Le Port au soleil couchant, Opus 236 (Saint-Tropez)
Artwork Description



65.1 x 81.3 cm (25.63 x 32 in)


oil on canvas


signed and dated ‘P. Signac 92’ (lower left); inscribed ‘Op. 236’ (lower right)


Georges Lecomte, Paris, a gift from the artist, before 1902.

Mme Odile Favrel, Paris.

Galerie Durand-Ruel, Paris, on consignment from the above, by 22 October 1958.

Sam Salz, New York, by 1959.

Mrs Van Horn, Pennsylvania.

Col Edgar William & Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, New York; their sale, Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, 12 May 1980, lot 21.

Private collection, New York, by whom acquired at the above sale; sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 11 May 1993, lot 23.

Acquavella Galleries, New York, by whom acquired at the above sale.

Acquired from the above, in May 1994.


Paris, Salons de l’hôtel Brébant, Exposition des Peintres Néo-Impressionnistes, December 1892 - January 1893, no. 58, n.p. (titled ‘Soleil couché (Saint-Tropez)’).

Brussels, Musée d'Art Moderne, 10e Exposition des XX, February 1893 (titled ‘Op 233 Soleil couchant/Soleil couché. Saint-Tropez’).

Anvers, Association pour L’Art, Seconde exposition annuelle, May 1893, n.p. (titled ‘Op. 233 Soleil couchant/Soleil couché Saint Tropez’).

Saint-Tropez, Musée de l’Annonciade, Signac & Saint-Tropez, 1892-1913, June - October 1992, no. 1, p. 30 (illustrated p. 31); this exibition later travelled to Reims, Musée des Beaux-Arts, November - December 1992.

Paris, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Signac, 1863-1935, February - May 2001, no. 59 (illustrated); this exhibition later travelled to Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, June - September 2001, no. 61, pp. 179-180 (illustrated; illustrated again on the cover); and New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, October - December 2001 (illustrated; illustrated again on the cover).

Washington, D.C., The Phillips Collection, Neo-Impressionism and the Dream of Realities: Painting, Poetry, Music, September 2014 - January 2015, fig. 83, pp. 114 & 180 (illustrated p. 119; detail illustrated p. 100).


The artist’s handlist, no. 236 (titled ‘Le port au soleil couchant’).

T. Natanson, ‘Exposition des Vingt’, in La Revue Blanche, Paris, March 1893, p. 219.

Y. Rambosson, ‘Le mois artistique: Quatrième Exposition des Peintres Impressionnistes et Symbolistes’, in Mercure de France, vol. VII, Paris, January - April 1893, p. 369 (titled 'Marine').

A. de La Rochefoucauld, ‘Paul Signac’, in Le Cœur, May 1893, pp. 4-5.

M.-J. Chartrain-Hebbelinck, ‘Les lettres de Paul Signac à Octave Maus’, in Bulletin des Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, nos. 1-2, Brussels, 1969, p. 74.

M. Ferretti-Bocquillon, ‘Peintures, Dessins et Aquarelles’, in Signac & Saint-Tropez, Saint-Tropez, 1992, no. 1 (illustrated).

M. Blume, ‘Saint-Tropez Serving Up a Little Culture’, in International Herald Tribune, Paris, 13 July 1992, p. 20 (illustrated).

P. Daix, ‘Signac à Saint-Tropez’, in Le Quotidien de Paris, Paris, 16 July 1992, p. 18.

P. Schneider, ‘Signac à bon port’, in L’Express, Paris, 3 September 1992, p. 94.

C. Finch, ‘Neo-impressionist paintings’, in Interior Design, New York, October 1993, pp. 196-200 (illustrated p. 197).

F. Cachin, Signac, Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint, Paris, 2000, no. 229, p. 208 (illustrated; illustrated again p. 44).


signed and dated ‘P. Signac 92’ (lower left); inscribed ‘Op. 236’ (lower right)

oil on canvas

25 5/8 x 32 in. (65 x 81.3 cm.)

Painted in 1892