Top-100 artists:

Reclining Figure: Festival by Henry Moore

Henry Moore

Reclining Figure: Festival, 1951

Bronze with a brown patina
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (01 Jul 2016)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jul 1, 2016
Christie'sLondonDefining British Art Evening Sale8
$****** - ******
Reclining Figure: Festival
Artwork Description



230 cm (90.55 in)


bronze with a brown patina


Purchased directly from the artist by Laing Galleries, Toronto. Dr. Ben Raxlen, Toronto.

His sale; Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 4 April 1968, lot 141, where purchased by the present owners.


London, South Bank, Festival of Britain, Summer 1951, exhibition not numbered, another cast exhibited.

Bochum, Städtische Kunstgalerie, Profile III Englische Kunst der Gegenwart, April - June 1964, no. 106, another cast exhibited, n.p., another cast illustrated.

Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Henry Moore and Landscape, May - August 1987, no. 4, another cast exhibited, p. 15, another cast illustrated.

London, Royal Festival Hall, Symbols for '51, March - April 1996, another cast exhibited.

Dallas, Museum of Art, Henry Moore Sculpting the 20th Century, February - May 2001, no. 55, another cast exhibited: this exhibition travelled to San Francisco, Fine Arts Museums, June - September 2001; Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, October 2001 - January 2002, pp. 191, 278-279, 310, no. 55, another cast illustrated.

London, Royal Academy, Modern British Sculpture, January - April 2011, no. 148, another cast exhibited, pp. 148-149, another cast illustrated.


E. Neuman, The Archetypal World of Henry Moore, London, 1959, pp. xiii, 108-109, figs. 76, 77, another cast illustrated.

W. Grohmann, The Art of Henry Moore, London, 1960, pp. 6, 75-76, pls. 44-45, another cast illustrated.

J. Hedgecoe, Henry Moore, London, 1968, pp. 189-196, another cast illustrated.

D. Finn, Henry Moore, Sculpture and Environment, London, 1977, pp. 282-287, another cast illustrated.

D. Mitchinson (ed.), Henry Moore Sculpture, London, 1981, p. 117, pl. 232, another cast illustrated.

A. Bowness, (ed.), Henry Moore: Complete Sculpture, Vol. 2, 1949-1954, London, 1986, pp. 32, 33, no. 293, pls. 46-53, another cast illustrated.

R. Rosenblum, 'British Twentieth Century Art: A Transatlantic View', in exhibition catalogue, British Art in the Twentieth Century, London, Royal Academy of Arts, 1987, p. 89, fig. 1, another cast illustrated.

R. Berthoud, The Life of Henry Moore, London, 1987, pp. 232-233, 328-329, 418-419, fig. 104, another cast illustrated.

A. Wilkinson, Henry Moore Remembered: The Collection at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, Toronto, 1987, no. 85a, pp. 135-137, plaster illustrated.

S. Compton, exhibition catalogue, Henry Moore, Royal Academy, London, 1988, pp. 20-21, 219, 230, 258, 260, another cast.

D. Mitchinson, Henry Moore, Martigny, 1989, no. 3, p. 36, another cast illustrated.

Exhibition catalogue, Henry Moore, Ursprung und Vollendung, Mannheim, Städische Kuntshalle, 1996, p. 118, fig. 19, another cast illustrated.

D. Mitchinson, Celebrating Moore: Works from the Collection of the Henry Moore Foundation, London, 1998, pp. 40, 151, 242, 278, another cast.

H. Moore and J. Hedgecoe, Henry Moore, My Ideas, Inspiration and Life as an Artist, London, 1999, pp. 80-81, 84-85, another cast illustrated.